Digital Born Service Report On Trump’s Tariffs

This Huffpost news reports on Trump’s Tariffs with the focus on how it may drive US’s inflation. The following main points will be analyzed: readibility, sources it used, multimedia, malfunction, and interface.


The news has broken up the text to increase readibility, but it did in such a way that one compete  idea is spearated into two different paragraphs, thus creates more struggle to read.


The hyperlink it includes does not tell much important information that tells reader’s background. The hyperlink directs reader to a news page that contains many news covers, instead of a specific story. Additionally, lack hyperlinks for important data.


There is a lack of images in the news. No any image that could reveal important information about tarrifs and inflation. Being multimodal could increase reader’s engagement with the site.


While the news does include one video, the video is unable to load, see screenshot 1. A check on functionality of the website features is necessary.


Although the navigation is smooth, too many advertisiments in between the paragraphs makes the reading process difficult. When it is read on the phone, the interface experience could be worse.

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