The selected major news story from an international mainstream online news publication, the BBC, titled, ‘Australia fires: A visual guide to the bushfire crisis’ provides an in-depth analysis of the incidents of bushfires that affected Australia in 2019-2020.
Image 1: Major Bushfires in Australia (BBC 2020).
The news article is filled with data including numerical statistics, photographs, and maps showcasing the scale and impact of the fires worldwide (refer to Image 1). However, there can be several ways to improve the online delivery of that story.
Firstly, real-life interviews of the negatively suffered people from the bushfires could enhance the depth of information provided in this news article. Interviews could include residents who lost homes and are suffering from psychological trauma, and small business owners who have suffered huge losses. Real-life photos, videos, and stories could have enriched the understanding of this narrative with firsthand accounts and visuals.
Secondly, a historical background of the incidents of bushfires in Australia using a timeline is not adequate to help the readers understand the changing nature of bushfires. Hence, a comparative analysis of not only previous bushfires in Australia but similar natural disasters globally can benefit readers in understanding the changing patterns of unprecedented fires over time.
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