Evelyn Zhang (540131112) Assessment 1 Part 1

The online journalism work I choose is an online-only news article published by MSN. It is about how trains delays in Sydney brought by signal issues on March 14, 2025 has seriously affected the city’s normal traffic operation.

There are some improvement that I could make in this article to let it become more attractive and appealing to its readers. First of all, I will interview some Sydney citizens whose life were badley affected by the trains delays. Then, I will present their worries and unsatisfication in the article to let readers have an idea of the seriousness of this trains delays. Also, I will make a video version of this story and attach it in the article. In thevideo, Sydney citizens waiting for the trains worriedly and  how buses had to do extra works in this special situation are the factors that will be mainly featured. Citizens’ unsatisfication towards this accident and traffic officers’ response to the accident are also important parts that will be included. Last but not least, I will add more pictures that include how Syeney citizens are waiting for trains impatiently in evening and how the traffic officers are feeling regretful about the train issue.

Link: https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/sydney-train-delays-hit-friday-peak-hour-commute-after-signal-issues/ar-AA1ATJXO?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=67533638848042e9cc6c87083abf4814&ei=52

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