How will Fox News survive the Dominion lawsuit and angry Trump voters?

How effective is Crikey's online delivery of news?

People protest outside News Corporation headquarters in New York

Crikey is an Australian digital born news service, founded in 2000. Crikey postures itself as the leader of independent journalism, claiming to “expose the spin” and “dig deeper”.

As a digital news service, Crikey relies on its content being accessible and user friendly.

Let’s look at Christopher Warren’s story, “How will Fox News survive the Dominion lawsuit and angry Trump voters?” published 6 March 2023, to see if this is the case.

Brevity, Scannability, & Hypertextuality  

As a news commentary of 820 words, it is longer than your average news story, but typical of Crikey. Injected with satire and thoughtful analysis, it is an engaging read.

The headline is framed as a rhetorical question and immediately engages attention. This is supported by a large photo directly beneath the sub-heading.


A screenshot of the news story headline and image


Hyperlinks direct readers to several relevant sources and tweets, including one Crikey article.

Interactivity & Engagement

There is limited multimedia interactivity, with only one embedded photo.

An option for readers to respond to the article is a good engagement technique. An open comment section encourages online discussion.


A screenshot of an appeal for readers to respond to the article via online letter
IMAGE: CRIKEY/ Christopher Warren

There is no option to share the article on social media. Subscribing readers can “gift” the article via email instead. This substantially reduces the accessibility and reach of the article.

Including the keyword “Trump” in the headline boosts its SEO and online reach.

With this to go by, Crikey can improve its online delivery.


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