This is my interview with my friend Zoey, who is a fashion enthusiast and a traveler. She is a very cool girl and a really good friend, so I decided to invite her as my interviewee.
Sage’s interview with Zoey
Here is my audio reflection: the best place I ever visited. It is an audio interview with my roommate Sherry, who is an undergraduate student in the University of Sydney and has been in Sydney for half a year.
Postgraduate student of Digital Communication and Culture in Sydney University; Interested in journalism and communication and wanna engage in a relevant career; Photograph lover
Twitter: @isagesun
Instagram: isagesun
Story Topic and Angle In January, Chinese Ministry of Education abruptly announced that it would no longer recognize overseas distance courses, forcing a larger number of Chinese students to return to Australian campuses, but the […]
A Day In Sydney | Travel Guide Since I’m currently in Sydney as an exchange student and with everything that is happening all over the world at the moment due to the Coronavirus outbreak, I […]
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